Take your product to new places and spaces with out of store sampling strategy & bespoke promotional vehicles
Whether fixed site or roaming in-mall, transit, events, CBD, direct-to-home, mail, or guerrilla-style activations, we find the most strategic and cost-effective way of getting your brand into the maximum number of hands and hearts of the people who matter. Custom designed sets, site planning, logistics, talent recruitment and training help create the perfect sampling campaign. From beginning to end, we plan, design, hire and manage it all.
Whether a local or national event, we’re experts in creating innovative and effective promotional vehicles. Our team has designed everything from food trucks, chilled vehicles, coffee carts, apecars and converted shipping containers to trailers, drinks stands, and more. We manage the entire process from the technical and creative design of your rig from end to end, and will sort the event planning and management, chilled and ambient logistics, site permits and talent hire for you too.
Let’s connect or contact us at [email protected] or call +64 21 552 390